Wealdstone 3 – 3 Walton & Hersham

Ryman League Division 1

3 - 3

WaltonWalton & Hersham
KO: 0:00 | Sat 29th Dec ’01

Pantomime Season

To much Christmas Spirit in both defences made this a match full of errors, and there were plenty of occasions at both ends where supporters could justifiably shouted ‘Behind you!’

The game started with Walton on the attack as it took Stones a little while to find their feet, but only once in the early stages was either goalkeeper called on to make a save, Carter tipping over a shot from Edgar, as benevolent defending gave both sets of forwards half chances.

With the half seemingly set to end in stalemate, A Walton defender conceded a needless free kick by the tough line, and Shaw’s resulting cross was headed into the net by Danny Tilbury, with Stones first on target effort of the half – even this though was fortunate as the visiting keeper ran into his own defender in trying to reach the cross!

Four minutes later, Stones doubled their lead when a ball from Tunji Bamgbola found Marvin Morgan in what most people thought was an offside position, but the officials allowed play to continue, Morgan’s first touch created an opportunity and he slid the ball past the keeper and inside the near post for a 2 – 0 lead.

Walton battled on and were unlucky not to reduce arrears before the break when another chance was wasted as the ball sailed over the home bar. Stones came out in the second half and then preceded to do their utmost to throw the game away with some atrocious defending, as the whole of the back four seemed to lose concentration as a unit, while the remaining players looked on. On 55 minutes Savage beat three half challenges to send a cross to the far post where Sweet headed home, and five minutes later it was 2-2 as poor clearances again allowed Edgar to equalise.

Another five minutes and Stones were really on the back foot, this time Savage again making the most of stagnant defending to put the visitors 3 – 2 in front. This did then spark Stones into action and they created a number of half chances for Morgan, Bamgbola and Tilbury but it was not until the 83rd minute when another needless free kick saw Shaw’s cross headed on to Horner who shot home from ten yards.

It was not to be the final effort however as Stones were awarded a slightly fortunate penalty on 89 minutes, which Morgan contrived to shoot high and wide. As play resumed, a challenge on Tilbury saw him react by kicking the Walton defender in front of the referee and he was given a deserved red card. The final score 3 – 3.

Wealdstone: Andy Carter, Nigel Reed (s75 Carl Hunt), Danny Reeve, Ricky Pither (s40 Richard McDonnagh), Richard Horner (83), Kevin Ramsay (b50, s84 Joseph O’Reagan), Vinny Somers, Jason Shaw, Olatunji Bamgbola, Marvin Morgan (44), Danny Tilbury (s/o89)